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Press Release from HRC July 18 2022


Delphine Luneau | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 202-573-6006

Human Rights Campaign Urges Federal Lawmakers to Pass Bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act

Legislation Would Repeal 1990s-Era ‘Defense of Marriage Act’ That Was Later Rendered Unenforceable By Supreme Court, Affirms Obergefell v. Hodges

WASHINGTON — The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) — the nation’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) civil rights organization — today marked the introduction and urged the passage of the bipartisan Respect for Marriage Act in Congress. This legislation would guarantee the federal rights, benefits, and obligations of marriage s in the federal code, repeal the discriminatory Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and affirms that public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states. HRC is urging federal lawmakers to move forward with passage of this important legislation.

In response to the introduction of the bill, HRC Interim President Joni Madison issued the following statement:

“The Defense of Marriage Act — which excluded legally married same-sex couples from accessing the federal rights, benefits, and obligations of marriage — is a stain upon our nation and deserves to be relegated to the trash bin of History. With the Respect for Marriage Act, Congress has the opportunity to right this wrong by creating an inclusive law that also standardizes the mechanism for evaluating when a marriage should be given federal recognition and affirms that public acts, records, and judicial proceedings should be honored across this country.”

Key Provisions of the Bill

The Respect for Marriage Act would ensure that marriage equality is protected nationally through several provisions:

  • Repealing the 1990s era Defense of Marriage Act. Passed in 1996, it discriminated in two important ways. First, Section 2 of DOMA purports to allow states to refuse to recognize valid civil marriages of same-sex couples. Second, Section 3 of the law carves all same-sex couples, regardless of their marital status, out of all federal statutes, regulations and rulings applicable to all other married people—thereby denying them over 1,100 federal benefits and protections. DOMA was rendered unenforceable, in two stages, by the Supreme Court’s 2013 Windsor v. United States ruling and the 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges ruling.
  • Establishing that “place of celebration” is the standard of recognition for federal benefits of a same-sex marriage. Under this provision, if marriage equality was ever to cease to be recognized in a given state, same-sex couples who travel to get married in another state – one where same-sex marriages are still recognized – would still retain federal marriage benefits.
  • Affirming that public acts, records and proceedings should be recognized by all states. Adoption orders, divorce decrees, and other public acts must be honored by all states consistent with the Full Faith and Credit clause of the US Constitution.
  • Codifying the federal protections conferred by the Obergefell and Windsor rulings. The landmark ruling stated that bans on marriage equality are unconstitutional.

More Than Two-Thirds of People Support Marriage Equality

The latest survey from PRRI this year on support for LGBTQ+ rights showed nearly seven in ten Americans (68%) favor allowing gay and lesbian couples to marry legally. Support has increased by 14 percentage points since 2014 (54%). Republicans are now nearly evenly divided over same-sex marriage (48% support, 50% oppose), while 81% of Democrats and 73% of independents favor marriage equality. Today, majorities of most religious groups favor marriage equality. White evangelical Protestants (35%) and Latter-day Saints (46%) remain the only major religious groups with less than majority support for same-sex marriage. 

The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community.



Press Release from HRC, July 6 2022

Here is a press release from the HRC...  It of course is vital that we, as members of the LGBTQ+ community (and our allies), rally and educate ourselves with regard to voting as well as volunteering and finding ways to support one another... and to support other communities when we can.  During tumultuous times such as these, we don't have the option to remain on the sidelines.  As possible, here at RainbowWeddingNetwork, we will post information like this - in line with the 'networking' part of our name.  As always, thank you to each of you for your efforts, large and small, toward greater equality for all.




HRC Staff | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | 202-572-8968

Human Rights Campaign Endorses 14 Pro-Equality Champions for U.S. House of Representatives

Washington, DC  – Today, the Human Rights Campaign PAC (HRC PAC) announced its endorsement of 14 pro-equality candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives running for election in 2022.

Across the country, HRC PAC works every day to elect pro-equality leaders who will advocate for policies that will support the rights and lives of LGBTQ+ people. This year alone, more than 320 anti LGBTQ+ bills are under consideration in state legislatures. Of those, at least 140 directly target transgender people. It is critical now more than ever to elect leaders that are ready to stand up for equal rights for all Americans.

Human Rights Campaign Interim President Joni Madison released the following statement:

“The Human Rights Campaign is proud to endorse pro-equality leaders that are ready to step up as champions for equal rights in the House of Representatives. We know that this group of candidates will help deliver meaningful and impactful change, which can only happen when our leaders are as diverse in their experiences and backgrounds as the people they represent. They represent the broad spectrum of diversity of the American people and their election into office would increase representation of LGBTQ+ people, women, and people of color.

These leaders have an exemplary record of advancing equality in their respective states, and we’re confident that they will advocate for nationwide policies that work for all Americans, including the LGBTQ+ community.”

During the 2020 election cycle, HRC staff on the ground recruited 5,800 individual volunteers nationwide who completed 28,500 hours of voter contact in more than 2,650 volunteer events. HRC engaged in robust digital and online GOTV efforts, including sending over 2.7 million person-to-person text messages, a massive increase from 2018 when approximately 500,000 texts were sent. HRC sent over 2.5 million mail pieces, had over 930,000 phone conversations with voters, and engaged more than 200,000 voters through HRC’s voter dashboard at

HRC-Endorsed U.S. House Candidates Seeking Election

Daniel Hernandez (AZ-6)

Will Rollins (CA-22)

Robert Garcia (CA-42)

Jay Chen (CA-45)

Brittany Pettersen (CO-7)

Yadira Caraveo (CO-8)

Christina Bohannan (IA-1)

Liz Mathis (IA-2)

Wiley Nickel (NC-13)

Jackie Gordon (NY-2)

Greg Landsman (OH-1)

Emilia Sykes (OH-13)

Jamie McLeod-Skinner (OR-5)

Becca Balint (VT-AL)


The Human Rights Campaign is America’s largest civil rights organization working to achieve equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer people. HRC envisions a world where LGBTQ+ people are embraced as full members of society at home, at work and in every community. 



Ongoing Challenges... Ongoing Opportunities... The Summer of 2022

It was Albert Einstein who said, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity."

Well, Albert, we are certainly in the middle of rather tumultuous difficulty!!

Roe v. Wade has been overturned, there have yet again this year been hundreds of newly proposed anti-LGBTQ+ legislative bills all across the USA, minor gun control legislation may pass but at the same time a sweeping open carry law has  been put into effect via a Supreme Court ruling...

...And so many in our community are gravely concerned that LGBTQ+ marriage equality will be next.

Will it be overturned by the Supreme Court next year??  I'm one of the founders of RainbowWeddingNetwork, and for 22 years my partner and I have been witness to and actively involved with the saga of marriage equality throughout the country.  We have seen states and locales extend marriage access, and then rescind.  In June 2015, when the Obergefell v. Hodges decision came down, we were elated and the whole experience for our community changed:  it felt like we went from being a ping-pong-ball minority to something a little bit more accepted; a little bit more validated.

And in my humble opinion, having walked this road for 22 years... that is all about to change once again.

In some ways, we can understand that the founding of our nation was based upon a back-and-forth, push-and-pull momentum, wherein differing viewpoints compete for control and dominance both at the legislative level and the societal level.  In many ways, this is a healthy ideal.

But, it's been overtaken in recent years -for the past few decades perhaps- and has become not a framework for vigorous discourse... but instead has become a battleground.  -Wherein differing viewpoints are not permitted nor idealized, but instead made into matters of utmost suspicion that lead to extreme divisiveness and either hatefulness or the appearance of it, used for politicized purposes. The ideals of our founding fathers and mothers have been weaponized.  For political gain.  For money.  For power.  Capitalism at its low point?  Maybe.  But I suppose that is for polical analysts, sociologists and other academics to decide.

As for our experience, it is a "difficulty" to say the least.  But wherein lies the opportunity??

Well, to put it simply:  that opportunity remains, as it ever has, in our own hands.  As citizens of this "last great experiment" (to quote yet another genius), it is within our own power to enact the change we desire.

The LGBTQ+ community has, throughout the years since Stonewall, remained one of the most politically active minorities in the USA.  We march.  We protest.  We also attend zoning meetings, and planning hearings, town meetings and district gatherings.  We write letters to our political leaders, we call, we speak up on behalf of others in our community and on behalf of our children.  We march further.  We vote.  We encourage others to do so also.  We make our voices known.

But in recent years, many of us have become more complacent.  It's been hard to stay energized, midst the challenges of a worldwide pandemic and before that, midst the onslaught of anti-LGBTQ+ rhetoric, legislative proposals and violence that we have experienced since June 2015.  The promise of Obergefell v. Hodges, for many, fell short, simply because a new Presidential administration took hold shortly thereafter, and the wave of chaos that ensued felt overwhelming.

But now the latest difficulty that faces us requires great rigor and renewed commitment.  We have to muster strength and stand up - we must march again, get out the vote again, perhaps run for office ourselves even despite the violence, frustration and heartache.  We must remember that we will not establish a more perfect union, unless we ourselves keep up the discourse in ways that are non-aggressive yet mightily productive.

Every action matters.  Come out.  As LGBTQ+... as a climate activist... as an animal rights advocate... as a fan of the arts...  as a helpful neighbor and friend... as a citizen of a country that requires each of us to be as active as we possibly can be, and to keep hold of the lfesaving belief that, even within the depths of this challenging time, we can still find the very real opportunities to give ourselves a stronghold and rise to meet the moment.

Our minority definitely has an opportunity in this time and in this place.  We can become a beacon of non-violence and productive momentum, for greater equality for all minorities and for all people.  Because we know the truths of what inequity feels like, we can easily commit ourselves to the ideal that equality for all, and in every circumstance, is a cause worth standing up for.  - A cause worth standing for together.

 -Marianne Puechl, co-founder /


On the past 22 years...

Here at, we are certainly proud to note that it's been 22 years since the launch of our website.  We have been witness to so much history these past two decades!

Back in 2000, we began our site because there were no other such resources available for our community.  My partner, Cindy, and I were planning our own commitment ceremony and saw firsthand how limited services were that helped LGBTQ+ couples navigate the process of planning a wedding.  Cindy had the foresight then to realize that there was no registry anywhere in the world that offered the simple header of "Partner & Partner" instead of "Bride & Groom"... so we started one! was officially launched in September 1999, with no budget, no investors...  and only grassroots marketing efforts.  Yet within six months the site attracted over 1 million hits!

Not long after, we survived the dot com crash, a devastating flood, then the recession... all midst the backdrop of various progressions on the political scene regarding LGBTQ+ marriage equality.  We had the opportunity to meet so many amazing and courageous couples and advocates of non-discrimination, as well as wedding vendors and political figures who worked and served on behalf of our community.  When we marketed our new idea back in 1999 at Pride celebrations and other events, most people we talked to did not then agree with us that the issue of marriage equality is a civil rights issue, and even midst the crazy buzz of Y2K deserved our attention.  And so, day after day, year after year, we watched and worked on behalf of this cause and this ideal... and witnessed its evolution from idea to belief.

In 2003, our little company began producing LGBTQ+ Wedding Expos, with our first in Minneapolis that November.  The next year, we produced events in Boston and San Francisco... and today we produce between 22 and 26 events each year and have had the honor to visit 37 different states with our expos.  Amazing!

In 2006, we began publication of the world's first-ever LGBTQ+ Wedding Magazine, Rainbow Wedding Network Magazine, and saw distribution throughout the nation.

Our website continued to grow and change, of course, but our mission always remained the same:  to bridge LGBTQ+ couples with wedding, home and travel professionals who uphold a policy of non-discrimination.  And to continue to hold on to the belief that equality for our minority is a right, and nothing less.

Today, we continue to adapt and grow during the unprecedented times of COVID-19, grateful that our events are once again taking place on various weekends somewhere across the country.  We continue to hold the faith that, despite the ongoing challenges of the pandemic and the chaotic political climate, we will be able to continue effectively assisting couples in finding those wedding, home and travel professionals who wish to serve them with respect and joy. And we strive to continue to serve our friends who own small businesses, such as photographers and DJs, bakers and floral designers... trying our best to offer affordable marketing opportunities both at the expos and also online so that they can efficiently book new clients during this challenging time.

THANK YOU to all those who have supported our company - either twenty years ago or in recent days...  We appreciate each of you for helping Rainbow Wedding Network in its efforts to support LGBTQ+ couples and our allies, as successfully as possible, now and for many years to come.

-Marianne Puechl & Cindy Sproul, founders / / /



27 Simple Wedding Reception Decor Ideas

Planning a wedding isn’t easy, to say the least. Between picking a venue, dealing with the caterer, and trying to impress your guests anything that helps simplify the planning process can make life just a little easier.

While you’ve been frantically searching for ideas and tips, we've put together a life line of sorts. A list of ideas that range from fall weddings to general decor. Compiled below are 27 ideas to help you create an amazing and unique reception. 

During the fall season, it’s hard not to feel those cozy vibes. A rustic atmosphere full of cozy warmth and a laid-back feel pairs so well with fall. Whether you have an upcoming wedding or are just looking for preliminary ideas, in this section you’ll find elegant ways of creating comfortable fall atmosphere.
1.  Roaring Fires
An outdoor wedding in the fall can get quite chilly at night. Light the night sky and warm guests by adding fires to your outdoor rustic wedding during the colder months. Keep reading to see how a fire can add an elegant touch while keeping with the rustic feel.
2.    Illuminate the Sky
If you want to go more upscale for your rustic or fall wedding, there are many options for illumination that pair well. You can hang crystal chandeliers from the ceiling of a barn to make for an elegant ambiance.
While chandeliers can add an elegant touch, not everyone will want to go for something so, well, big (or have your reception in a barn for that matter.) Consider hanging café lights on the ceiling or in trees for a less formal touch.

Hanging lanterns are another lighting option, and these add a particular flair no matter what kind of venue you’ve chosen. While traditional lanterns will add to a rustic vibe, and café lights add more to the industrial or vintage look, paper lanterns are great for creating either a playful, relaxed atmosphere… or, depending on the style of the lanterns, an elegant feel that is artistic and trendy.
3. Warm and Cozy
Whether or not there are roaring fires (but you totally should), consider creating a comfortable and cozy place for guests to sit. The fall weather will inspire them to wish for a casual spot to relax, mingle, chat and feel the warmth from the inside-out.  Use pillows, outdoor furniture and fluffed blankets in case it gets chilly out. This gives guests a place to unwind and relax from the party plus the blankets can double as a great keepsake gift!
4. Wood Ladder
Using tattered wood ladders is a great way to decorate while keeping with your rustic or fall theme. They can be used to display photos, guests’ escort cards, seating cards, small quilts, or simply decorated with flowers.

5. Fall Colors
Especially when fall is upon us, nature can be incredible at guiding the color scheme for a reception. BBJ Linen has some beautiful rustic ideas including using Earth tones from the surrounding landscape combined with a natural wood look for tables and chairs.

From pumpkins and other organic oranges, to hazelnut browns, bronze, deep organic reds and muted sunflower yellow… the range of colors that are available to accent your gathering are varied and rich.  -Including seasonal colors is a simple way to bring a fullness and sense of connection to your celebration.

 Sash & Bow – Shanna Allen Photo

6.  Hayrides and Halloween
There’s nothing more fall than pumpkins, apples, barrels and bales of hay. Large bales of hay make a great addition to any rustic or fall wedding and can double as a place for guests to sit. Barrels provide a fun hi-top table, or a decorative piece on which to set florals or your delightful wedding cake.  Uncarved pumpkins, squash and apples add a great fall vibe too, but don’t use carved pumpkins as it’ll make your reception look like a place to trick-or-treat!
7. Seating
Whether you’re going for a rustic feel or a laid-back fall vibe, long farm-style tables create a more informal feel than round tables. This encourages a more casual atmosphere. If you’re outdoors or at a rustic setting, like a barn, long tables will keep with the overall theme of the reception.  Be sure to chat with your caterer about homestyle options that retain a sense of elegance but keep theme with the rustic as well!
8. Tapestry
Hanging tapestry or quilts will not only add to a cozy atmosphere or rustic vibe, but it can double as a way to display guests’ seating assignments. Check out The Lesser Bear for elegant hand-made tapestries.
9. Glassware
Ditch the formal long-stem wine glasses and opt for something that matches your casual autumn theme. You can be creative as there are many options to choose from. Glassware suggestions include using canning jars, mugs and old jelly jars for serving drinks.  Wrap them with a piece of burlap or quilted fabric – you can then pin nametags or a keepsake to the jar for an added touch.
10. Guest Book
Definitely opt to get creative with your guest book! It’s something you’ll keep forever and the more interactive the process, the more meaningful the messages that your guests will be inspired to write. A large wood framed canvas can add some fun, especially for a rustic wedding. Check out Flutterbye Prints for some framed guest book ideas.
11. Crates
Wooden crates are a great addition to any fall wedding. They can be used as a decoration, filled with florals or with personal items such as blankets, or brimming with apples both for display and for tempting your guests for a snacking option. They also can be used to display escort cards or a creative way to display guests’ wedding favors.
12. Hanging & Displaying Greenery
Whether it’s too cold or you’re not wanting to risk poor weather at an outdoor wedding, you can bring the fall foliage inside. Hang pine, fall leaves and other greenery to create a rustic, fall look for an indoor reception. You can use existing structures at your venue or find creative ways to decorate your space with greenery-such as adding greenery to hanging lights, decorating ladders, barrels or crates (as mentioned above)… or keep things simple by using canning jars as vases at each table, filled with fall foliage and greens.
13. Large Letters
Oversized letters with a wooden finish are a trendy decorative addition. They are great as accent pieces such as displaying fun combinations of you and your partner’s initials or newly chosen last name… or being used to designate certain areas such as the bar or the dance floor.
Tantalizing Tips for any Time of the Year
While fall weddings seem to be gaining popularity, whether it’s due to the wildly colorful foliage or crazes for more casual wear and coffee bars with pumpkin spice, every season has something unique to offer for a wedding. No matter if it’s spring, summer, fall or winter, these next tips can help you create a beautiful reception.
14. Table Runners
Whether with, or in lieu of tablecloths, consider using table runners to add some romantic décor to the table. Depending on the theme, the color you choose can add a nice accent to compliment the reception. Texture is also a trendy part of table décor these days!  …and table runners come in all kinds of different fabrics.  Just by adding these simple accents, you can change the entire ambience of your reception tables, so don’t underestimate this exciting (yet easy!) feature.

15. Display Photos
Guests truly enjoy having the chance to see all the love that has led up to Your Special Day. Explore a variety of creative ways to display photos of you and your partner… and even some of your families and friends – guests also will love to find themselves featured in your special montage!  Digital frames allow for a seemingly endless array of images, or there are a variety of artistic display ideas as well.
16. Upgraded Table Numbers
There are creative ways to display table number or names that blend well with whatever theme you go with. Consider using personalized bottles of craft beer, flags in mason jars, photo markers, tag trees, or almost anything you want! Check out Save on Crafts for some trendy ideas.
17. Photo Booth
Create a backdrop that adds to the décor of your reception, but still makes for festive and unique photos. Companies that rent out photo booths can help you create the perfect backdrop and fun activity for guests.  There are many options these days as far as interactive photo booth experiences go, so be sure to shop around and ask lots of questions!
18. Focus on Flowers
Flowers are a timeless addition to any wedding. A simple and easy way to make your centerpieces stand out is to use tall vases for flower arrangements. Believe it or not, height is one quick way to add to the design scheme of your reception!  Then of course there are the other wonderful elements to consider when it comes to options with florals:  color choices, the style of flowers (wildflowers add that sense of charm, while deep red roses say “Classic Love” at a glance!)…  Accents with regard to how your florals are presented or displayed…  Check out Sweet Blossoms for some great ideas on how to make your flower arrangements pop.  And be sure to take into consideration what will happen with your florals after your party is over:  will you take them all home?  Will you give some away?  Will you donate them?  Planning ahead will save you time in the long run!
19. Balloons
Balloons can add a festive touch without breaking the bank. They can be used to create backdrops, arches, non-floral displays, signage, add a fun flair to formal weddings or help create a laid-back vibe. Consider Shop at Nyeas for balloon related ideas.
20. Sugar Rush
Who doesn’t love dessert? Better yet who doesn’t love candy? Whether with, or in lieu of, a cake, consider a buffet of candy for guests to enjoy. We're Sweet for You can help you create a candy display that also doubles as a party favor. Simply provide some colorful or customized bags for the road… and you’re all set with the keepsakes for your guests!
21. Elegant Drapery
Hanging drapery or fabrics can add an elegant, sweeping or colorful touch to your wedding reception. They can be used to cover up unimpressive walls or add glorious accents to the ceilings. With uplighting, fabric backdrops can shine, sparkle, alternate hues, spotlight monograms or signage and more…  Check out Event Drape Rental for more info!
22. Make Your Wedding Sparkle
If part of your wedding can be outside or your wedding reception is outdoors, using sparklers is not only a fun activity for guests, but can create magical photos that will last a lifetime. Take a look at Grand Wedding Exit to see what fun their sparklers can add to your festivities.
23. Cup Your Cake and Personalize the H&%@ out of it
Many couples are opting for cupcakes instead of a large, single wedding cake. Cupcakes allow you to create beautiful displays and offer up multiple flavors to please every guest. Our CupCakery offers cupcakes in all sorts of sizes, flavors and can account for various dietary restrictions.  And a great keepsake idea?  Cake in a jar, (a personalized jar to commemorate the Special Day!), with a lid and ready to go!  Guests can even pick and choose from various flavors to add to the fun!
24. Flowers from Above
Although we’ve already discussed hanging greenery, you can use the same creative ideas to hang flowers from a ceiling. Enchanting!  You can also decorate existing structures or hang potted centerpieces instead of or in addition to tabletop florals.  The wow factor, exponential!
25. Chalkboards
Chalkboards can be used throughout your reception to create a different look that your guests might not be expecting. Chalkboards can be used to designate a gift table, used as a welcome sign or as a menu at the bar.  Your calligrapher or invitation specialist may be able to help with beautiful lettering and colors to make the most of this fun and versatile idea.
26. Tie a Knot
Ribbons can be a great, low-cost way of adding to your decorations. Ribbons can be used instead of chair covers as well, offering some savings while keeping your reception looking elegant. Believe it or not, the array of styles and textures available in ribbon these days is amazing.  Check out the options online or in your local craft store for inspiration!
27. Bunting
Bunting, long strings of triangular shaped flags, is becoming more popular these days. It’s relatively inexpensive and has a variety of uses. It adds a festive flair to a vintage wedding or adds to the laid-back feel of an outdoor fall wedding.

While a wedding is all about celebrating the love of two people, who have decided to come together and commit to a life-long relationship, of course you also want to enjoy a setting that provides a beautiful backdrop to Your Special Day.  Whether modest or epic, the décor that you choose can add that much more to the uniqueness of your wedding day.  Make the most of the occasion, get creative, and have fun with it!



Fun Decorative Accent for Your Reception

image courtesy SLC Marriott University ParkThere are so many exciting choices for your Wedding & Reception decorative accents!! How do you possibly choose?? Are you sticking with themed accents... or accents by color? Or just going with what strikes your fancy? ...Or deferring to the ideas of your wedding planner or design team?  Whew! Decisions, decisions!!

This string of battery-operated roses caught our eye at the Salt Lake City LGBTQ Wedding Expo on October 13th...  Simple, elegant, and such a nice touch.  The strand at each table can be handed out as gifts to special wedding guests.  Beautiful for the day-of, and a lovely keepsake.  EnJoy finding your own unforgettable accent pieces!

(image courtesy of the #SaltLakeCityMarriottUniversityPark, proud host of RainbowWeddingNetwork's recent LGBTQ Wedding Expo!)











Finding the Right Wedding Theme for Your LBGTQ Wedding

Madcap Cottage | Theo Milo Photography | Curtis Kennedy Films | Out of the Garden | Ohh! Events


It’s time to throw tradition out the window and celebrate with style.

Here are some wedding theme ideas that move away from traditional, gender-norm ideas and incorporate elements that show off the love between you and your significant other.

You Know You Want to Look Fabulous

Whether there are two grooms, two brides, or you’re so fabulous you’ve thrown traditional gender-normative wedding terms right out the window, your wedding is a day you want to look your best while expressing love in your own personal ways.
Go with what feels right. There are really no rules when it comes to your wedding -- just traditions -- of which you are free to follow as much or as little as you’d like.
Are you two brides about to tie the knot? One or both could don a traditional wedding gown. Or consider something more alternative, such as color coordinated outfits exploding with personality. Check out some ideas from Dangerous Mathematicians.
For dashing gentlemen about to make their way down the aisle, make way for options. A more traditional approach involves a suit or tuxedo. Color coordinated suits add elegance to your wedding, but allow each groom to add their own personal flare to what they wear on the special day. Matching suits with differing ties and/or pocket squares create a subtle, yet eye-popping look.
Having a beach wedding, or casual event?  Why not ditch the formal wear altogether? Shorts or khakis with button down shirts and lively ties or vests can be worn as a play on traditional wedding attire. Untucked continues to be a fave!

Pride-Full, Yet Elegant
Your LBGTQ wedding reception could fly towards traditional, perhaps even rustic -- or step through to a modern, colorful theme.

Living coral is a “bright and joyful” color combination, according to an article by BBJ Linen. Living coral creates a bold, life-affirming statement for your LGBTQ wedding. It’s a color in full bloom during the spring and summer, that pairs well with other exuberant shades like teal.


Bonus Tips for Your LBGTQ Wedding

Make your wedding uniquely yours!

Guest books can make for a great keepsake to remember your LBGTQ wedding day long down the road, but why not do it your way? Flutterbye prints has some creative ideas: One is to use your own and your partner’s fingerprints on a large print for a guestbook alternative.

Add a statement of pride to the wedding with a rainbow cake, spectral floral arrangements, rainbow wedding favors or even sport some rainbow inspired clothing or accent wear such as multi colored boutonnieres, cummerbunds, footwear or earrings.

Even the smallest details can make a big statement. The right type of wedding cake topper can go a long way in showing the world love in all its forms. Whether you are two brides to be, two grooms or two people so in love that you want a cake topper to surpass gender norms, there’s more options out there than you might think.

‘Peace’ Out

Whether it’s sticking to traditions or making your own, LBGTQ weddings are still in their early years -- allowing for so much creativity and positive vibes. Consider making a bold statement for your LBGTQ wedding or adding your own elements in subtler ways. No matter what you choose to do, it’s a day to celebrate the love that brings two people together. Make the day uniquely yours!


Image courtesy: Madcap Cottage | Theo Milo Photography | Curtis Kennedy Films | Out of the Garden | Ohh! Events



"Spam Blockers are No Joke!"

"Spam Blockers are No Joke!"  -One of the exhibitors for our Atlanta LGBTQ Wedding Expo made this comment last week, with regard to having trouble receiving email communication from us, the event producer... and it struck me:  the same is true for couples!  And so I thought I would take time to mention this very simple issue:  nowadays of course it's commonplace to reach out to a wedding vendor via text or email, instead of making a phone call.  Easy, convenient...  Right?!

Well yes, unless your email never reaches them... or, their reply email never reaches you...  Spam blockers are indeed getting stronger every day.  But they're not necessarily getting smarter.  And they don't always block what we want them to.

Many people think the Junk Folder in their email software (such as "Outlook") is where those blocked messages get trapped.  Not usually so!  These days you have to take the extra step to log in to your email browser's back-end, and check the spam folder there.  And occasionally, incoming emails are blocked even before this point... and the average user has no way of ever finding them.

The solution??  If you feel like there has been a lapse in communication, get old-fashioned and pick up the phone!  Don't assume that the wedding vendor you were hoping to hear back from has acted unprofessionallly or simply forgotten to respond to you.  99% of the time that is not the case at all - the culprit most of the time is the issue of the emails getting blocked somewhere along the way.

Additiionally, if you have relied on a digital format for your save-the-dates or invitations, don't always trust that the message has gotten through unimpeded.  If you use an app or professional wedding software, those are usually reliable.  However, at times those too can get blocked.  So keep this in mind when researching which digital applications are going to work best for your wedding planning needs.

And again, when in doubt, just pick up the phone!  It's still the best way to ensure a deliberate, personalized and successful connection!



To My Valentine... Inspiration for the Sweet Holiday

by Marianne Puechl, co-founder /


Some of the best gay & lesbian relationships are built on elemental cornerstones; eternal ideals that can be simplified down to the very basic.  Keeping them in mind for the upcoming holiday of romance, as well as year-round, will serve to maintain a partnership that is dynamic, tender and fulfilling.

“I will pour more into my love than I expect to get out of it...”
  Finding tender ways to enhance day-to-day interactions with your partner will multiply and ultimately reflect back to you, almost magically.  Begin making it a habit to ask yourself every morning what you can do that day to make life a little sweeter for your special someone.

“I will remember to let go...”
  Remember, in grade school, when you and your friends would argue there would be just an hour or perhaps a day gone by and the anger was completely forgotten?  Allow yourself to recapture that childhood talent.  Let any grudges or frustrations you have concerning your relationship or your partner’s eccentricities simply slip away.   -The release will truly make you healthier.  How to do it??  Keep in my mind that, at the heart of it all, you love and trust and respect your partner:  that's at the foundation.

“My partner has a different style than I do…”
  Every individual is wired with different ways to tap into strong emotions.  Find out what most captures your lover’s attention:   Does he need to hear, verbally, that you’re committed for life?  Does she need to be showered with little gifts every so often?  Does he need physical closeness when you express your love?  Does she need you to share time discussing her goals or plans, so that she is reassured of your devotion and genuine interest?  Also be sure that you communicate your own needs when it comes to displaying intimacy:  your relationship deserves your honesty and clarity!

“My partnership is dynamic…”
  Try not to regret the fact that those first sparks of newly-found love are no longer at the heart of your relationship.  Over time, the bond you create will mature and deepen – it’s only natural.  But that doesn’t mean your love is any less passionate!  In fact, the wonders of a long-term commitment are highlighted with facets such as Understanding, Shared Vision, Interconnection and oftentimes Heartfelt Awe as you witness one another grow through the years.

“Every day is a new beginning…”  An optimistic outlook always does wonders!  Remember that any given moment is a chance for a fresh start, on both a small and large scale.  As human beings, we have the potential to enact personal change within an instant; keeping this in mind as much as possible will serve to lighten your relationship.  That, in turn, will accent the romance and the joy you share together!

“Remember Valentine’s…”  The idea of a love note may seem silly, especially after you’ve been married for several years.  But sometimes it is those simple little displays of affection that really touch our hearts most of all.  Allow the familiar traditions to inspire you:  a box of chocolates, rose petals in the bedroom, a recited poem over dinner, a love song and secret dance in the darkness…  Sometimes these small gestures are truly the most meaningful of all.

It will never change:  creating a fulfilling and lasting relationship is solely your own responsibility.  It is also one of your great joys… and in the eyes of friends and family it may be one of your great gifts to the world.  Love inspires.  Passion transforms.  Allow your partnership to thrive, wholeheartedly.  Nourish the connection you share with your partner and it, in turn, will utterly nourish you.



Sharing Their Story To Help Other Couples' Planning Go Smoother

It's hard to believe, but situations like this do happen even now, in 2019...  THANK YOU, Aaron and Jeff, for sharing your experience to help let other couples (and business professionals... and voters) stay aware that discrimination is still taking place.  By staying informed, we can continue to take action!

We wish the two of you a much happier planning experience from here forward!  BEST WISHES for a wonderful life together!




Happy 2019!

Here at, we are so proud to announce that our LGBTQ Wedding Expo in Jersey City this past weekend marked the 225th event that our company has produced!  Since 2003, we have traveled the nation with our boutique-style Expos, building bridges between LGBTQ couples and wedding, home and travel-related professionals who wish to support them in creating their Dream Weddings, Receptions, Honeymoons and Committed Lives together.

It has been such an amazing journey, meeting so many tens of thousands of couples and business professionals across the country, especially during this remarkable time in our nation's history with regard to the ongoing pursuit of Equal Rights.

Here is an article by Jersey Journal reporter Corey W. McDonald about our Jersey City event on January 6, 2019...  It includes 40 images, so take a look and enjoy!


Image Courtesy Corey W. McDonald, Jersey Journal



Growing Your Family? Check out this wonderful resource for LGBTQ couples, and singles too!

Throughout the years here at, we've had the opportunity to work with several organizations that support LGBTQ couples and singles as they strive to achieve their dreams of having children.  In fact, given the wonderful experiences we have meeting and getting to know so many LGBTQ couples across the country at our dozens of Wedding Expos every year, we often find ourselves saying, "Wow!  It seems that growing a family is an even more passionate desire for couples than having a wedding!"

And now that we are fast approaching the holiday season, when family is so often the focus, I wanted to take a moment and share info about one of those organizations that has long been involved with us here at RainbowWeddingNetwork... and even longer than that has been an avid and active supporter of the LGBTQ community.  I hope that those of you who are considering your options with regard to having children will take a moment to look at the resources Cryos has to offer, such as their free web access to extended donor profiles!

With 30 years’ experience and delivering to over a 100 countries, Cryos International Sperm and Egg Bank aims to ensure a wide selection of high-quality, extensively screened frozen donor sperm and frozen donor eggs from all races, ethnicities and phenotypes for both home insemination and fertility treatments. Cryos International is an industry leader, and is the world’s largest sperm bank and first free-standing, independent egg bank in the United States. Through medical partnerships and evolving research, Cryos continues to improve and expand its global services of helping to provide the gift of family.

Cryos has always supported the LGBTQ community and attends numerous Pride and LGBTQ related events, including's ongoing national tour of Wedding Expos. If you’re looking for a cryobank that provides top quality customer service and extensively screened donor options, Cryos is right for you.


More info: Cryos International Sperm and Egg Bank

Direct Phone: +1(407) 203 1175